Don’t make your users think

Don’t make your users think

This is an old rule, but we come across it so many times that we felt it’s worth having it’s own post 🙂 You have a stunning site with a lot of cool features and you’re really poised to take on the competition and crush them – really. But...
Your 404 page matters

Your 404 page matters

Congratulations, you have a beautiful website and it is converting nicely – or at least we would like to think so. Does your site have a 404 page? A 404 page is what visitors to your site will see when they reach a page that doesn’t exist. There’s a lot of reasons why...
Keep your site safe and secure

Keep your site safe and secure

There are a lot of things you can do to make sure your site is secure but today I want to focus on something very simple that gets overlooked and way too often it only gets looked @ after the facts. What I’m referring to is the users that have access to your...
Data driven changes

Data driven changes

So you decided that you want to give your homepage a revamp, it’s about time isn’t it? Last time you did this (possibly also the first time), you had your secretary look @ other sites and come back with suggestions, you then took these suggestions and...
Split AB Testing

Split AB Testing

Simply put, you have a website and chances are you’re trying to monetize that website. Different sites have different ways of monetizing, whether it be by the sale of a product, a subscription to a newsletter or advertising revenue, you always need the user to...